A 1980 American psycho-slasher film directed by Staten Islander Armand Mastroianni, written by Scott Parker and starring Caitlin O’Heaney, Don Scardino, Elizabeth Kemp, Tom Rolfing, and Tom Hanks in his movie debut.
A young bride is murdered on her wedding day by the man she rejected for her current fiance. The killer, named Ray Carlton and played by Tom Rolfing, kills another bride several years later. He moves to Staten Island, and observes a college student, played by Caitlin O’Heaney, from a distance. She is preparing for her wedding. He begins stalking her, and killing her friends.
Producer, Director, Actors
- Producer: Robert Di Milia, George Manasse, and Nan Perlman
- Director: Armand Mastroianni
- Actors:
- Caitlin O’Heaney
- Don Scardino
- Elizabeth Kemp
- Tom Rolfing — the killer
- Tom Hanks
Filmed When & Where
The movie was filmed in December 1979 on location in Staten Island at the following places:
- Sedutto’s on New Dorp Lane (now called “Something Sweet”)
- Small Wonder’s Bridal Shop at 357 New Dorp Lane
- Mrs Rosemary’s Dance Studio at New Dorp Plaza
- Our Lady Queen of Peace, at 3rd Street, New Dorp
I’ve not seen the movie yet. It received mostly negative reviews when it came out — but was a commercial success for MGM, grossing nearly $5 million at the US box office.
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